Saturday, January 16, 2016

Day 16 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge - "Sky Watch"

"Sky Watch" - 24" x 24" acrylic on 1.5" canvas
Here's something different - bright, bold and tons of texture.  I wanted to paint something that reminded me of David Bowie and these colors and geometric shapes screamed "80's" to me. 

I was a huge Bowie fan  back in the day and was so bummed to hear of his passing this week.  Another rock and roll legend has joined some pretty talented superstars who went before him.....just think of the music they're playing now.


  1. Very strong!!! Wonderful textures and colors!!!

    1. Thanks Carol - I wasn't sure about this one but when it was done, it started to "grow" on me!

  2. I agree with Carol, very strong composition!

  3. 80's indeed! That was a sad day.Wait, is that him I see in the bottom right corner?A bit of nose and mouth, and of course his hair would match his outfit!

    1. :-) He will be missed.....such a personality and so much talent.
