Friday, January 29, 2016

Day 28 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge - "Did You Realize?"

"Did You Realize?" - 48" x 24" acrylic on 1.5" canvas
Someone told me today my art looked like "New Age" art.  She said it was ethereal and peaceful, and looked like a dream.

I'll take that!  There's also something very fulfilling about sticking my little paws in the paint when I'm almost finished and letting my fingers dance over the canvas.....

I'm almost caught up (just two more to go and I've completed my sixth 30/30 challenge!) and am already salivating at my next project - four 36" x 36" canvases along with four 36" x 18" canvases for a show I'm doing at ArtHouse Gallery in Sacramento this coming June.  I'm excited about this show because I'm doing it with my talented artist friend Michelle Andres, and I'm writing poetry/haiku for the show too!!  Somehow I'm going to be incorporating the poetry/words into the paintings - not quite sure how that's happening but I'll figure it out.

Until then, I need to concentrate on finishing two more paintings; completing each and every one of them (signing; finishing the sides; wiring; adding them to my inventory list; photographing; and varnishing).  The finish work can sometimes take as long as making the painting itself!  It's the least sexy part of an artist's job, in my opinion......but a necessary one.


  1. This is beautiful, I love your work so much! Good luck on your upcoming exhibits and I hope you are feeling better.

  2. This is beautiful, I love your work so much! Good luck on your upcoming exhibits and I hope you are feeling better.

    1. Thank you, Sherri!! I've been enjoying your work as well and wish you lots of luck with your creative endeavors in 2016 :-)

  3. I love this! Clouds over the lake, the sky is beginning to clear for a moment..... WOW! Hope the yuck is over for you soon :)
