Saturday, January 9, 2016

Day 9 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge - "Day's End"

"Day's End" - 36" x 24" acrylic on 1.5" canvas
"Day's End" is another mysterious-looking painting from the "Reflections" series that I'm doing for the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge.  The wispy white lines you see at the upper left corner are dotted in silver for a luminescent veil that covers several areas on the canvas.  Of course you can't see all those silvery lines because of my sucky photographic skills (or shall I just say non-existent photographic skills??!!).

But I'm happy with the way this piece turned out.  It's mostly neutral grays, celadon, black and white with some light pthalo-blue and red oxide washes to add some interest.  Some of the original painting still remains - the striped running down the right side and the white dots above - I didn't want them to go away but the rest of the old painting is history!


  1. This is nice. Love the iridescent glow.

  2. Your work always jumps out at me. I love this series.

    1. What a nice thing to say, Sherri - thank you very much!! I'm having a great time painting this series too and am glad you like it.

  3. Night in the city. Hustle and bustle. The sound of tires on a wet road. Hurrying home to a hot bowl of soup. Wonderful light Judy!

    1. You nailed it, Sheila!! Thank you for the fabulous descriptive words :-)

  4. I love the fabulous glow...thank you for your kind comment on my blog, especially happy to come over here and see what you are doing!

  5. You're very welcome, Meredith - and thank you for your comment! I look forward to seeing more of your work in the challenge. Good luck!
