Saturday, January 23, 2016

Day 23 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge - "Time to Grow"

"Time to Grow" - 24" x 36" acrylic on 1.5" canvas
I've been fighting a respiratory infection this past week that has unfortunately turned into a case of pneumonia, so painting for the remainder of this challenge will be happening as the meds continue to work their magic and in between bouts of coughing and dizziness. 

I really liked the painting that was painted over for "Time to Grow" - and I almost set the original aside to keep intact.  However, an inner voice guided me forward with the knowledge of what I was doing was indeed growth as a person and an artist. 

The original was rather dark and very personal - it was one from my dress and cups stages.  This new painting covered all that darkness, and at the end I decided to collage one of my canvas house pieces over a particularly personal area.  I just noticed it now appears as though it is "housing a secret" which indeed it is. 

Isn't it amazing at what appears when we let our psyche's through and hand them the control of the brush? 


  1. Get well soon! Oh this is delightful up close. Love the hidden fence line, and the story of our house is so intriguing :) Love the soft pastels along with the warm earth tones peeking out. Going back for another close-up look :)

  2. Get WELL!!! Beautiful subtle coloring...dreamlike!!!

  3. Thank you Sheila and Carol - I've got two more of the canvas houses that I'm dying to or both might wind up on #30!
